My Master Degree was awarded by ISCTE-IUL Business School in June 2014.
To know more about ISCTE-IUL please click here.


My Master Thesis intended to define and study a business plan for the creation of a new company dedicated to publish video games using the free-to-play business model in the Brazilian market.

The main goal of this case study was to evaluate the economic and financial viability of the business plan for the company, study its implementation strategy and familiarize the reader with the most relevant metrics and specificities of this kind of business model.

Keywords: Business Plan, Strategy, Free-To-Play, Video Games

JEL Classification System:

  • M10 – General Business Administration
  • M13 – New Firms, Startups

Reference URI:


Grade Awarded:

I was awarded 18 points out of 20 (Excellent / summa cum laude).


You can download my thesis files on ISCTE scientific database here.