Why you should care about your CPI Monetization strategy

Accordingly with a recently published report from Business Insider Intelligence, mobile app-install advertising (CPI ads) are driving a boom in the mobile ad spend.

CPI ads revenue will top $5.4 billion in 2016 in the US alone and this number is expected to grow even more in the coming years.

(CPI Revenue US, Source: BI Inteligence)

With the increase global penetration of smartphones it is not hard to predict that this trend will also be followed by other regions in the world.

CPI ads are a huge opportunity for monetization, and mobile web publishers and specially mobile app developers should not waste it.

Due to the specificities of CPI ads, it is increasingly important to partner with someone who really gets CPI, from Mobile Attribution proceedures to LTV measurement inside the promoted apps.

It is also important to understand that due to these specificities CPI ads should not be treated eaqualy to other type of offers.
To really grasp the true potential of this kind of ads you should be able to partner with a company that can provide you with the best ways to show your ads (usually a native SDK) that will enable you to have the best conversion rates and give your users the user experience they truly deserve and expect.

CPI placements can be shown on a banner, but if you really want to capture the most value from this types of offers you should take into account that CTRs for these offers are better when showing them on more suited App Lists / App Walls.

(CTR per ad format, Source: AppFlood)

By using a native SDK, you will also be able to better customize the ads to your own app user experience and avoid sending the user to the mobile web browser before sending them to the native app store (app store or google play), which increases the click to conversion ratio significantly.

If you are looking for a partner to seize the CPI revenue opportunity, don’t hesitate to contact me or anyone at Mobrand (http://www.mobrand.com) we will be more than happy to explain you these and other ways CPI should be treated differently from your regular banner monetization strategy and how you can earn up to 25% more from your CPI placements.

Luis Frade from Mobrand – CPI Monetizantion done right.

Visit Mobrand website here: http://www.mobrand.com